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Pick, cook and eat

West End Centre

There is nothing like food to bring people together and the allotment group like nothing better than a good feed. They really enjoy picking, preparing and cooking the food they have grown over the season. People are trying new vegetables and different ways of cooking them. Who would have thought we would be making curry on a barbecue?!

K is carer for her mum and brings her to the Thursday morning group. She says "my mum doesn't eat vegetables at home but when she comes here she loves them !"

This pick, eat and cook session we used vegetables from the allotment;:courgette, garlic, potatoes, onions, broad beans, peas, french beans, broccoli, beetroot and fresh herbs. We have yet to master the art of growing rice so brought that along from the centre store cupboard !! Between us we cooked a delicious vegetable risotto, vegetable curry, rice and chapattis. Everyone had so much fun preparing, cooking and eating, they have decided on a chapatti making competition for our next session, so watch this space!!

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