2018 Centre Evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation was to look at how people view the West End Centre and what it means to the community and the lives of people that use it. We asked beneficiaries of the Centre to write a Christmas card to us. This asked five questions, here are the responses;
Q1. How do you see the role of the West End Centre in the local community?
· It a hub where everyone can meet and mingle
· As a refuge from outside concerns bringing people from all parts of the community together and appreciating all kinds of people.
· I feel it’s like a sanctuary. I feel safe and know that people understand me.
· Combats loneliness and isolation. The staff are approachable and nothing is too much.
· It’s important, it helps me be less depressed.
· Very, very important to the community. If we didn’t have it there would be nothing, nowhere to go, not see people, depressed, suicidal. It makes you feel part of something like you belong.
· Offers many things to do with support to learn new skills to help in the real world
· To bring lonely people together.
· It gives people like us somewhere to go, have a natter and do things we wouldn’t do at home. It’s somewhere welcoming for people who have nothing.
· It’s a safe place, nice friends, eating together. A place everyone helps.
· It’s a place for friendship. It is a place to meet people and understand differences.
· It is a place where people can meet up and share ideas in different groups. It’s like a hub for the community.
· It’s a very important hub. It’s a stone in the water with the ripples going out into the community.
· It’s a place to socialise and meet people, the full spectrum which is really interesting.
· West End Centre have a really important role in the community that many people in the community who need support. It also helps to build confidence and independence.
· The centre provides a place of welcome and friendship. There’s a real mix of people that feel like family.
· The West End Centre is very good and helpful. It is better than any other centres I have been to.
· It is a place where everyone can feel safe no matter what their problems and everyone is treated equally.
· The centre is helpful and provides support. The computers can be used to help with job search.
· The centre encourages people to mix with people from different backgrounds and get out of the house.
· Very helpful and friendly. Provide support when using the computers for job search.
· The West End centre gets people ready for work and helps with looking for jobs. It gives helps and people to talk to.
· It is very good as it helps to get people into work and be able to use the computer. I can get out and talk to people and not be alone.
· The Centre is excellent as it help people find work through computers which brings people together so they are not alone.
· The centre gets people out the house and interested in hobbies.
· The centre brings people together to have conversations and a laugh.
· The centre gives people chance to get together and have a chat.
· It’s a big part because it gets people out.
· It’s useful and helps people to socialise and to people with problems. It’s secure and feels like a safe place to come. It brings people out of their shell.
· It helps people by listening and helping with problems. It provides computers to use and gives love.
· It helps me with meeting my friends and making new ones.
· It helps people talk to others and not be at home on their own.
· It helps people from different areas of the community to come together and get to know each other.
· It’s vital in the community no matter what background you come from your welcome you learn new skills.
· West End centre is fantastic in supporting people to integrate into the community. West End Centre is a support network for people to go to in which they provide a variety of projects and opportunities for everyone attend
Q2. How have you been involved?
· I attend groups and i help out with art projects for the centre.
· Being part of a group. Trying to help and support people worse off than myself.
· I attend a group every week. I have supported people and others helped order things online.
· Attending F.I.N and supporting others
· I help to wash up, set tables, empty bins and make people welcome.
· In Groups. Mental health and volunteering which i love. It makes me feel as useful and needed.
· Part of one of the groups. Giving support to those that come here.
· Yes, lunch club, Thursday club, Rat pack, Garden
· I have been involved through welcoming new people. I have been there when I have had no one at the side of me. I have been teaching knitting to people.
· I help with cleaning and sometimes cooking, I also teach people how to make Asian food.
· Giving lifts to people, introducing others to the centre, been involved in planning.
· I teach singing and drama. The time out group. Pick and mix, the rat pack and lunch group.
· I have done various groups. It’s a support if I need it as I have been out to visit a friend so that his wife can have a break from caring.
· By giving lifts to people, attending groups and being involved in the planning.
· I’ve been involved in activities and got to know lots of people.
· By coming to the groups and helping out in the community allotment. Also meeting up with other people outside the centre.
· I have been involved as a volunteer twice a week attending sessions as well. I also support others in cooking.
· I came to the groups and made crafty things to raise money.
· I have used the computers to search for jobs and universal credit.
· I have been involved in litter picking around the centre, unblocked drain, keeping it clean and tidy for everyone. I am able to help where I can and join in social group such as quizzes and using the computer for job search.
· Talking to people at the centre and attending the it workshops. Also going to the social groups.
· We are able to have a cup of tea and use the computer to look for jobs and check email. Helped with reading letters and practice maths and learn my way to improve my skills.
· I have volunteered in the kitchen, passed level 2 in food hygiene and used the computers for emails and job search.
· I have volunteered in the it room and around the centre. I help out wherever needed on a regular basis unless computers to do job search.
· I have been involved in running karaoke nights and music for events. Also brining people to the centre.
· I welcome people to the centre.
· I have helped by putting music on in the events.
· I have helped out in the kitchen and in the rat pack.
· I have played games with people.
· I have helped with cleaning and giving out leaflets and also telling people about the centre.
· I have taught every student on placement to play old maid.
· I have done lots of groups and I enjoy them.
· I have been involved for a long time. When I came after an illness and needed some support. It’s my social life.
· Its vital to help people in the community. To get people out and meet others.
· I started going to the allotment and from there I stayed for the afternoon. Now I come and do crafting and share my skills.
· As a degree student I am on placement withy the organisation. My role is to undertake day to day duties which all staff take on and develop myself to be an active member of the team in delivering and running the centre
Q3.How has coming to the West End Centre impacted on your life outside the centre?
· I’ve met a lot more people and its widened my outlook, my meeting people from different cultural backgrounds and abilities.
· Helping me to deal with my Husbands illness. Storing everyday concerns up for weekly meetings.
· My confidence has increased. I have joined college which i am enjoying. I have applied for work. I am now able to leave the house.
· Making new friends who understand we are all in the same boat.
· Its stopped me having as much depression. It helps me be more involved with other people.
· Really given me confidence to do day to day things. I have invited the Friends in Need group to my house when the centre wasn’t available, given me a purpose in life.
· Making new friends. Learning that others have a more difficult life.
· Made lots of new friends, been out and about.
· I’m more outspoken and interact with others. I’ve got my own life and independence.
· It’s made me happier. Nice people and I’ve also been to people houses and meet friends.
· If I did not come here I would be sat at home talking to the cat.
· I made a lot more friends. I see it as a hub I know I can pop in any time even for just a coffee.
· It’s made life more pleasurable and given me a sense of achievement.
· It gives me a break from caring for my wife. I shall miss it over Christmas.
· The centre helps me to build up my confidence and gives me real life experience.
· Coming to the centre has spurred me on and given me the confidence. I now run an epilepsy group at the local doctors.
· I can talk to people who attend the group and have made lots of friends. I have made friends which I see in the centre.
· I’ve met lots of people that I can be with outside the centre. I have helped a friend with the reading and financial planning as well.
· I have built my confidence up and am getting out more.
· It is easy to come and do job search as it’s close to home. When I am unwell the centres supports me and are concerned for me.
· Speaking to different people since coming and feeling more comfortable and confident in coming to the centre. Its more convenient as I can walk to the centre from home which is good exercise.
· The West end Centre helps me to get out more and come to the centre twice a week, talk to people and come to a place where I can get help and feel better.
· I will now go and look for work. It has kept me out of trouble and I am more confident.
· Yes, the centre has helped me make new friends and got me out the house and given me things to do.
· The centre gives me something to do and something i can look forward to.
· I’ve met people in the community I can say hi to outside the centre. It gets you friends.
· I’ve met friends and it gives me something to look forward to.
· I’ve got to know loads of people and I’m not sat at home which makes me feel so good.
· It has made me more confident and it’s a safe space to discuss my anxiety.
· I’ve met knew people and gone places. I have learned to read and write and passed my food hygiene.
· In have been able to play old made with my friends and it gets me out the house. I live in a residential house and it’s the only time I get out.
· I am more confident outside and feel less isolated.
· It has helped me to improve confidence and meet new people and gave me lots of ideas for future employment.
· I now go out nearly every day. It keeps me going.
· It has improved my confidence, I feel like I made real friends. With my illness I ended up staying at home.
· West End Centre has provided me with opportunity after opportunity to get involved and build upon my confidence and self esteem. I came to the centre a number of weeks ago and was a very anxious person. However through this centre and staff support I am more confident in what i do. I can be myself!
Q4. What does the West End Centre mean to you?
· A community, you can find out a lot of information and it’s a nice environment.
· A place of safety. They are not judgemental. Allows me to use my life skills to help other people.
· The Centre is so important to me the people I have met are like my family. They support, encourage and make me feel that anything is possible.
· A safe haven where you can express your feelings with trust.
· Its a good place to be. Its become my community. It boosts me to help others and it gets me out of the house.
· It means the world to me. I just function without it. It is so supportive.
· A place of refuge. Meeting lots of new friends and nobody judges you.
· A place to go to meet people
· I love coming and my son likes the break. We are not forced to do anything and all get on well. I can talk without judgement. At one time I wouldn’t say boo to a ghost.
· I would be bored if I didn’t come.
· It is very supportive; I was suicidal before I came.
· The centre means: friendship, social interaction and teaching groups.
· It’s a safe space.
· It means friendship and I like coming.
· It is a safe place to come to and I feel protected.
· It means a lot to me, it’s more like a family interaction than a centre. Everyone is very caring.
· The West End Centre is helpful and has given me confidence. I have more friends and sessions which I really enjoy.
· It is a place where we can go for a nice meal and meet friends and meet people you wouldn’t in ordinary life, more considerate of others and patient.
· It’s a place where I can go. There are friendly and nice people to support in job search and using the computers.
· The centre means everything. Its an absolute god send very helpful. They are there for me and are understanding and there to help.
· The West End Centre gives me access to job search and looking at things on the internet.
· The West End Centre means meeting new people I can talk to and there is a good mix.
· It is a place where I can go for help and support and meet nice friendly people.
· The centre means a lot because I have improved my computers skills and now I can help others. I have increases in confidence.
· It gives people the opportunity to get a job, meet people and families.
· It has a happy atmosphere and brings the community together.
· We are one big happy family.
· We are one big dysfunctional family! We catch up with friends and to see smiling staff.
· I feel better when I come, it makes me happier. I get bored being stuck at home and it helps my mind come out of my shell.
· An awful lot! I love coming and meeting people and doing things. I would be lost without it and my life would be bad without it.
· I like coming here and Fran is my friend.
· The West End Centre means a way to learn and teach others what I know.
· It is my favourite place to go. I miss it when I’m on holiday or when I’m working full time. I make sure I visit on my days off.
· It means a lot! It gives me somewhere to go and something to do.
· It means I got somewhere to go when I feel I need something outside the house. There is always someone to talk to if I need it.
· The centre means everything. The fact that a centre like this even exists. Its about giving opportunities and developing skills such as confidence and having a place that's warm, safe and welcoming for everyone to enjoy. From the first time I walked in I was hit with the warmth of the centre which blows me away every time.
Q5. What is the best thing that has happened to you this year?
· Joining the new paper craft group
· My Husbands eye operation and being made Great Grandparents.
· I barely left the house before coming to the centre. I now go to college every week. I also swim most weeks. It’s been a gradual thing, but the confidence for me is amazing for the way that I feel.
· Looking forward to coming here and having lunch together like an extended family
· I have learnt more cooking skills and i have lost a stone and i am more aware of being healthier
· Coming off Morphine- i am a different person awake and alert. It has given me a new lease of life.
· Being Great Grandparents.
· Made lots of new people.
· I’m happier even the doctor has seen a change in me.
· I love the Christmas tree and parties.
· The trips to charlottes ice-cream parlour was the best.
· I have learned laughter yoga to put in my work.
· Joining the depression support group and having a safe space to talk without anyone controlling me.
· The trip to five rise locks.
· The best thing that’s happened was the Christmas fair. It was amazing i got to meet lots of people and we had different stalls.
· I have got more involved with a lot of groups and I am more at ease and sure of myself. I am also less shy.
· I have made friends at the centre and met with them to talk.
· I’ve not felt alone or had to stay in on my own.
· I was able to do some retail work experience. I never thought i would do it. I was out of my comfort zone and had increased confidence to do it.
· I have made and met lots of new people and made new friends with people from different backgrounds. It’s not just the West End Centre it’s the community itself.
· Building up my confidence.
· I can now go on my emails on my own and I can also job search on my own. I can now use Google to look at everything on the internet as before I couldn’t.
· My wife has come from Pakistan and i have passed my driving test.
· I have met my future wife at the centre.
· Being able to help at events by putting music on.
· It means i can get out and be sociable so the year has been good.
· The best thing has been learning Urdu at the centre. Bingo in Urdu.
· The centre got a better TV.
· Being able to come and try something once without having to commit.
· Passing my level 2 food hygiene certificate. Also trying new things.
· I have learned to email and send jokes to my friends.
· Being out of hospital is the best!
· Finding new employment!
· Making new friends and improving my computer skills.
· Coming to the centre!
· I haven’t attended the centre for long however over th3e few weeks i done placement here I have developed my confidence and self esteem so much that I was able to stand up and deliver my presentation at college to a number of people. I wasn’t able to do that prior to this placement due to anxiety and nerves.
Q6. If you could speak to our funders, what would you tell them about what difference the centre has made to you?
· It’s broadened my outlook on life, helped me meet new people and generally helps you melt and blend into the community
· So many would lose a place of safety, a caring and support that so many people need and can’t find elsewhere.
· I would be lost without the centre. The support and understanding has made an amazing difference to my life.
· Positivity in my anxious mind. Would be lost without the West End it makes a massive impact in my life.
· If it wasn’t here i would be stuck at home or in a pub somewhere.
· Funders you need, can’t stress enough, to support the centre for the sanity of the people that come here.
· Confidence to speak to others allows me to be part of something, and being part of the centre.
· It gets lonely people and people with disabilities together.
· Doctor and MH have seen the improvement in me. The centre is there when I need it sometimes just to listen its brilliant.
· I ask that centre is open all the time as other centres close and we all need it.
· Its priceless, it’s quite special this place.
· It makes a difference to so many people lives and enables them to get out as its somewhere to go.
· It’s like a beach with millions of grains of sand. Each grain is individual and insignificant but together they make a mass that is pleasurable to all. It gives an important resource to the area and is an asset to the community.
· It has lightened my mood. Warm and friendly atmosphere and everyone is really kind and helpful.
· It made a huge difference, I was able to learn lots of new skills and meet people from different backgrounds.
· I would tell them, it’s a genuine, welcoming environment with open arms and no one gets pushed away or to one side. Its family!
· Well, thank you it’s a helpful centre and I can work with lots of people. It is better than any other centres I have been to.
· It made my health better because it stops you from being lonely.
· The centre has enabled me to do my job search with support where people are nice and want to help. The centre helped me come out of my shell.
· The staff are really good they understand peoples wants and needs and provide people with what help they can. Always feel welcome by everyone and can trust people in the centre.
· Made it easier for me to do job search and allows me to access computers which I can’t do at home.
· The centre has made a lot of difference to my life. I know people who can help me with reading letters and with my job search. I don’t need to worry anymore.
· The centre helps me to access computers to improve my chances of getting a job. There isn’t a centre that good as this one.
· It gets me out of the house and gives me confidence to meet new people which mean a lot.
· The centre stops people from being lonely and keeps them in touch it gives the community a local point.
· It supports people to move forward and gives them company and makes them happy.
· Everyone loves coming and needs the centre to unite us all.
· The centre has been that helpful that it would have been such a shame and people would be isolated so keep funding!
· It makes me feel safe and have a lovely meal.
· If it wasn’t for the centre my whole world would be smaller. I would be really depressed without it.
· If I didn’t come to the centre I wouldn’t go anywhere or see my friends.
· Everyone is welcomed and you’re not judged even if you have been in hospital.
· Without it I do not know if I would have been able to turn my life around.
· Hell of a lot! If it wasn’t for funding we wouldn’t have a centre. It’s part of the community. It means we can get out and meet new people. No centre means no community!
· It’s needed. It makes a real difference.
· If you could physically see the difference West End has made to people and students like me you would be blown away. This centre gives people opportunities to explore their own skills and qualities which are for them. This centre makes people, gives them hope and a friendly push to succeed and achieve.