Case study- Kim
I’m Kim, I’m 59, and my health isn’t very good both physically and mentally. I live two doors away from the centre!
Earlier in the year I was very ill, my neighbour came to the centre for help as he couldn’t get hold of me and he didn’t know what to do. One of the staff from the centre came to my house and found me on my bedroom floor; I had been there all night. She rang the ambulance and looked after me until it came.
When I came out of hospital after 3 week, staff from the centre came to see me and encouraged me to get more involved so I wasn’t so isolated. Others from the centre came and did my shopping, helped me manage at home brought me get well cards and visited me.
I joined the depression support group and people care about me, I don’t feel alone, and helping others in the group makes me feel needed, and gives me confidence. I have started volunteering, helping in the English group, washing up and cleaning. It gives me a feeling of belonging not just existing. I have made new friends and learnt new skills; I can now use a smart phone!
I get involved in lots of activities including the forums where we decide what activities we do at the centre and it’s good to know people are only a few steps away if I need company, and that the friends I have made are there to support me through the hard times.