I’m David , I’m 26 and I have schizophrenia. My hobbies are repairing computers and now cooking.
Before I came to the centre I was inside all day doing nothing productive. I didn’t have many friends, and I was depressed because I was always on my own.
My support worker brought me to the West End Centre to see if I liked it. Before I came I was nervous and I thought I would get lost, so the first time she drove me. When I first came in I saw Fran one of the staff, she told me about the different groups I could come to and I decided to come to the cooking group. Sue told me about which busses I could get and I got the centre phone number in case I got lost!
When I joined the cooking group I was very quiet but I learned about healthy eating and cooking skills. After a bit I joined the walking group too. Since then I have also joined the Friends in need depression support group, that has helped me by talking to people that are the same as me, you talk to some people and they don’t understand you, but the people in the group do.
Since I have come to the centre I get out of bed early, I used to stay in bed all day. I have stopped smoking, I eat better, and I have made friends, I feel more confident talking to people
I have applied for a voluntary job helping older people with technology so my life had definitely changed!
If someone was thinking about coming to the centre, I would say just to come, it’s cool and you are supported.