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Future pathways participants....Where are they now?

West End Centre

When our future pathways project came up on our Facebook memories yesterday it got us

thinking back on the project. It was great to see people learning new skills and moving into work or further education. The aim of the project in a nutshell was to build confidence and to get participants ready to progress on into further education or work.

Even though this project has now finished we are still here giving support virtually via phone, video calls and email. Helping jobseekers update CV's, complete application forms and brush up on their interview skills.

So what happened to the guys in the photos?

Paul went on to study with Bradford College and we are still providing support with job search and applying for jobs

Adam found a job following the end of the course which sadly ended because of the first lockdown. He used his new skills to move on to a different job very quickly, we were here to support him with updating his CV and practicing interview skills

If you are currently looking for work and would like some support please contact Fran or Kathryn on 07592003595 or 07743687053, use the contact us tab on the Website or message us through Facebook.

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