Unable to meet in person our 'Friends in Need' Support group has continued online during the Coronavirus crisis. With added pressures and worry during lockdown the group has been a lifeline for many of us.
Peer support has many benefits, one of the biggest is us facing depression together, being able to share our fears, feelings and triumphs with others who understand, and we all benefit from the feeling of being able to help each other, increasing our confidence and self esteem.
Anyone who suffers from depression or is a carer for someone who does is welcome to join our group. You do not need a referral or to have a medical diagnosis.
The group does not give medical advice but simply provides a safe and confidential space to talk about how you are feeling or issues you are facing, you don't have to talk at all if you are not ready, just know that you are not alone.
Here is what some of our members had to say about the group:
"I couldn't have got through it with out you all on a Thursday to chat to and off load"
"I am glad we still have group on line"
"Just being in contact with others helps"
"I can save things up and have a vent"
"Makes us feel we’re not forgotten"
"Keeps us motivated"
"Something to look forward to"
"Prompts a routine which are sadly missed"
"Helpful for sharing advice"
"Brings positivity"
"Keeps us connected"
"I find helpful ‘that you can’t see my face no make-up"
"I think all west end groups have done an absolutely essential job for lonely or people in difficulties. Who ever thought of them deserves a medal."
If you or someone you know would benefit from joining the group or if you would like more information call Fran on 07743687053 or email fran.westend@outlook.com