This week we launched our new Whatsapp group 'Tablet Tuesday's' to support those who have received a tablet through DevicesDotNow, show them how to get the best out of the tablet and also help with any problems people are having. We can help but as people also have different digital skills they can also help each other.
Our first session today was finding out what people needed from the sessions, what sort of things they would like to be able to use their devices for and how we could best support this.
The group went so well so we decided to open it up to anyone who has a touch screen device.
Next week our session will be fun and interactive! Based around taking photographs on a touch screen device and will cover using your camera, zooming in, flash, attaching photos, how to get the best selfie angles (dont look down!) and culminate in a test of speed and skill- a photographic scavenger hunt with virtual prizes for the fastest and most artistic entries.
If you would like to join in contact kathryn on 07592003595