Although the West End Community Centre Building is not open at the moment we are all still here, helping to keep our community healthy, happy, connected and informed.
To join in with any of our groups and activities or for more information please contact Fran or Kathryn on 07592003595 or 07743687053, use the contact us tab on the Website, message us through Facebook or email fran.westend@outlook.com
Here is what we have on this week
Running all week:
WhatsApp Group - West End Warriors. Online social group offering company, laughs, games, quizzes and safe up to date on local services available and coronavirus news
Whatsapp Group - History Buffs. Online group for those with an interest in all things history
Whatsapp Group- Weigh to go. Online Peer support group for people who want to make changes to their eating and activity habits, sharing motivation, struggles, tips, recipes and of course fun.
Welfare calls- We offer this service to those feeling lonely or isolated during this difficult time, if you would like regular calls from us or know someone who would benefit, get in touch.
I.T support. –Help to access online services such as internet shopping, applying for jobs, or sending emails.
(Start date TBC)- West End walkers- Social walking group at Horton Park- meet at the gates at 10am. There are limited palaces so booking is required
10-11 am Weight to go Focus hour, a new lifestyle topic each week
11-12 WhatsApp Tablet Tuesdays – are you struggling with your tablet or phone or need help to do something online? we are here to help answer your questions.
3.30pm Mini quiz time on West End Warriors
Lunch club on wheels and green foodbank deliveries. We will also be delivering information and asking for your support for this years Poppy display
10.30-11.30 Friends in need depression support group – online peer support group for those struggling with depression or their carers
7-8.30 pm History Buffs Quiz time
Fridays (Start date TBC)- West End Walkers- Social walking group at Horton Park- meet at the gates at 10am. There are limited palaces so booking is required.