We launched our 'Weigh to Go' group back in August to help people get as fit as possible to fight Covid and other diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. For some people this meant losing weight, for others doing more exercise or overhauling their diet. A WhatsApp group was set up so people could support each other and this has really taken on a life of its own, with people sharing recipes, cooking tips, exercise ideas and routines, daily steps, photos of food they have cooked and just being there and supporting each other through good times and bad. Someone in the group recently had a fall and unfortunately broke their ankle and the group have been there to provide support, encouragement and ideas for keeping on track.
For people who can not get online, packs have been delivered weekly with the NHS 12 week plan, vegetables from our allotment, recipe cards, pedometers and regular phone support given.
Participants have reported that they are feeling healthier, fitter and after jumping on the scales they have also lost weight! Well done to everyone. We will be carrying on with the group, so if you would like to join us contact Fran on 07743687053 or email fran.westend@outlook.com
This project is funded by the Magic Little Grants Fund, a collaboration between Local Giving and Postcode Community Trust provides local charities and community groups the opportunity to access funding to deliver engaging physical activities, which help to overcome barriers to participation.