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The story behind the mask

West End Centre

Wearing a mask has become a normal way of life for most of us when we go out, how many times have you left the house or car and had to go back as you've realised you've forgotten your mask! When parked up in a supermarket you see many people doing a quick turn around to get a mask! Its now check have you got your keys, money, phone, glasses and mask.

We were lucky enough to have 200 masks donated to us all made by Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, the story goes that there is a shortage of free masks within certain parts of the country so this group took up the challenge and are aiming to make 60,000 mask in total to be distrubted around various parts of the country. That's a lot of stitching!

So we want to say a big thank you to the Norfolk knitters and Stitchers for their donation what a great group doing such good work. You can see what other things they do on their website.

We have delivered some masks out with lunches yesterday which was an ideal photo opportunity, was great to see everyone keeping well. The rest will be distributed the into our community.

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