These Wednesdays don't half come round quick! It's lunch club on wheels day and we have delivered 25 two course lunches out into our community along with a generous donation of parkin to celebrate Bonfire Night from our resident baker Irene.
After the success of the bread packs sent out during half term with children's lunches we made up more packs and have delivered them today. We have also delivered week 12 of the NHS weight loss pack to those taking part in our healthy lifestyle campaign.
We have collected in a lot of home made poppies over the last few weeks, a massive thanks to those who have contributed. Our display will look amazing when its done. Watch this space for photos......
And lastly we received the final allotment haul of the season! What a great season it has been, it has provided produce for our green foodbanks, cookery packs, lunches and more. There will be a lot of preparation work now clearing and getting ready for next years planting. We will be using the leeks and onions delivered today in our lunches, today we made leek and cauliflower gratin and next week there will be chicken and leek pie- Yummy!