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Inspirational Allotment group turn their hand to poetry!

West End Centre

The community allotment has done more this year than just grow veg. People have been inspired to take part take in many other activities they normally wouldn't have done such as arts and crafts, wildlife watching, foraging, bundles of cooking and now poetry!

As it's National Poetry day we thought we would have a go at doing our own so our allotment volunteers got together and this is what they came up with.

A place of fun!

The allotment is a place of fun

People Laughing in the sun

Come and grow before the snow

Don’t be scared of the unknown

There is always a friendly face to hand

So you'll never feel alone

We grow for health, we grow for wealth

Have a go at growing your own

We eat as often as we can

We are a team that stand proud

They say that team work makes the dream work

Each year we live and dream for bigger and better

Oh how we love to see things bloom

Come and grow before the snow

Time flies by, we say our goodbyes until we meet again

The allotment team

Dan, Dan the allotment boss man he comes to the allotment in his van

Nice caring Kathryn, she plants to grow better than she can imagine

Kim, Kim makes all feel welcome and shows us how its done

Kirsty, Kirsty likes to get dirty, the work she does makes her thirsty

Sandra, Sandra has a lovely smile that can be seen for miles

Joan, Joan likes to be in the know, when she is doing activity she is always in the zone

New girl Anita, she loves a good chit chat, just remember to bring a hat

There is a man called Paul who knows how to make a good brew, he waters the plants to help them grow

Razina, Razina comes when she can she loves the allotment and keeps us all in line

Many others come along to chat, to grow, to learn, to relax and enjoy their time.

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Oct 07, 2021

😀 Poetry in motion, what a perfect picture that is captured in words 😍

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