Our weekly Wednesday Lunch Club has always been one of the highlights of the West End week, a meeting place for games, gossip and good food! Everyone has really been missing it since we had to close our doors.
Yesterday the Lunch Club went mobile! Staff made and delivered a roast chicken dinner with apple crumble with custard for pudding to 19 of our beneficiaries. It was fantastic to see everyone albeit from a distance
In fact it went so well we will be continuing it and hopefully delivering more! So if you or someone you know are isolating at home and struggling to have a hot meal please let us know and we will see what we can do to help.
We had great feedback and it really cheered us all up
"Thankyou, that was really nice, lovely to see a friendly face also in these challenging times"
"it was very nice, I enjoyed it, thanks who took the time to do it, I love that they took time to make the meal"
"I would like to say thanks for the lovely meal you sent today, i hope you are all ok"
We've made a really good start, so just watch this space for future developments!
Thanks to Bags of help for supporting our Lunch club. See www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp for more details