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Rough as a badgers...erm coat! and other news.


Well its been a strange week here at the centre, some of the staff have been a bit below par. Poor Rat has been stuck at home with the flu (get well soon Ratty!) and I have had the sniffles, so we must thank all volunteers and centre users for helping out as always. It just shows what a great team we have here, special thanks to Kathryn, Ami-Jane, Tom and Sue.

Speaking of volunteers we had a surprise visit from one of our past I.T. volunteers Zoe this week. She is now working as an IT analyst at Santander, well done Zoe, your news made our day and it was lovely to see you.

Lots of news from the Grow for Health and Wealth project, Dan made the front page of the Telegraph and Argus (County Edition no less) sharing his expertise about growing fruit and vegetables, definitely one for the scrapbook! Dan and Christine have been invited to give a talk to St Clement's gardening group in Barkerend next Wednesday at 7pm.

Jason and Onnon have been for job interviews this week, Allotment volunteer Jason for a gardening post, he was able to take all the press cuttings from the project with him. Onnon was in Leeds being interviewed for a warehouse post, fingers crossed for you both.

We have had a raft of seedlings coming back from the seeds people took home to germinate for us, so that will keep Dan and his team busy for the next couple of weeks

along with gearing up for the next Guerrilla gardening session, we have a new stock of wonderful wild flowers, so we will keep you posted! Here is a photo of one of last years projects- our daffs looking beautiful this week. They have put a smile on everyone's faces.

It has been the cooking groups final week party today so i am as full as an egg, as is anyone who has been in the centre today. They group planned their own menu, so we have had (all home made in 1 1/2 hours), onion bhaji, hummous, mint and cucumber dip and crudites, a range of sandwiches, chaat, chocolate chip buns and apple pasties. A veritable feast, well done everyone!

The next ten week cooking for health and wealth course will be starting soon, so get your name down now!

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