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Running head first into spring- dates for our guerrilla project


We have started collecting willow and seeds ready to kick off our guerrilla gardening project next week, to run in conjunction with Bradford Council's Beautiful BD5 campaign. Dates for planting are Thursday 9th and Tuesday 14th of March from 9 am -12 noon, so get your spades ready! We have enough wildflower seed to cover 300 square meters so now we just need you!

We will be meeting at the West End Centre, Christopher Street BD5 9DH. My phone number is 07392 518196 if you have any questions feel free to give me a call.

Also a massive shout out/thanks to all the community centre users who have loaned me your windowsills and time and have taken seeds home to get them started off and ready to plant.

Congratulations to Paul Dennison, Jason Singh and Jason Manners for being the first three people to complete our new Introduction to Working in Horticulture course- the gardeners of the future!

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