We had our first sing along session, what an afternoon that was we nearly raised the rafters! We chose some big songs to sing along to such as Bohemian Rhapsody, don’t stop believing, Mack the Knife, Build me up Buttercup and many more. We got on our feet and danced a long to Time Warp and New York New York. I think some of us went home feeling a bit hoarse!!
Before starting the sessions most of us agreed that we could sing but not well and that really didn’t matter, it was all about having fun and joining in and we certainly did that! Each of us selected songs so we had a good variety, it was good to try singing songs we may never have really listened to before.
Music triggers memories for most of us and some of us went right back to our child hoods remembering our parents enjoying some of the songs.
Singing releases endorphins which are feel good hormones which can help to reduce stress, improve mood and increase pain tolerance. Singing can also improve breathing.
K told us “I feel like I could go home now and do all my housework, that has really lifted me. Belting out a song and a bit of exercise- dancing all fun!”
Dee told us “It was so much more fun than I expected and nice to see everyone joining in!”
Kathy told us “I really enjoyed it singing is very uplifting. I’ll be back for the next one.”
Thank you to Owen for having the idea and bringing the group to life.
Next Singalong is on Wednesday 26th February 2025 1 – 3 pm open to everyone, this is not a choir and no solos we just sing together as a group and have a laugh!