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A Wild Start .....

West End Centre

January is the start of the year and is named after the Roman God Janus who was the god of new beginnings, keeper of doors and has two faces one facing the past and one the future. So its time to plan what new door we are opening at our community allotment!

This year we have a lot of exciting new things that we need to get ready for such as our wildflower project and reviving the guerrilla gardening project with the possibility of spreading some through the area/community. We are working with Derrick in developing several areas at All Saints and St Oswald’s. These projects will help the local insects, birds and bees and bring some wildlife to the area. 2022 is the year where we really need to try and make a difference no matter how small towards helping the planet and this project has the added bonus of making the area nicer and brighter.

At the community allotment we are going to try and grow some new things which our allotment volunteers want to try such as Okra, bergamot, wheat, hops and chickpeas amongst our normal produce of onions, leeks, beans and peas etc. The preparation is starting now and the excitement building. Watch this space as we are going to need your help!

Poured beer all over my garden before I planted the lawn. I hoped it would come up half cut.

I used to make loads of money picking up leaves in gardens. I was raking it in.

Until next time. Dan

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