This week Then Sun did an article on what £5 can get you at Aldi.
With the cost of living crisis everything is going up and money is not going as far as it use to. Here at the West End Centre, we have a Monday Market, this is in partnership with the Food Saver Network, and you can get a lot more food for your money.
In the pictures you will see a basket of food a customer picked up from the Monday Market and when priced matched at a Supermarket this came to over £30.
Our market is open every Monday (except Bank Holidays) 9.30am till 12:30pm and is open to anyone. There is a membership fee of £5 every time you shop and for this you can get up to 15 items plus any fruit or veg! We also offer a food taster each week.
If you have a Bradford Credit Union account or sign up for one with us, we will donate £1 from your membership fee every time you use the market to your Bradford Credit Union Account.
The Monday Market is open to anyone in the Bradford district, you don’t need a referral, just visit the centre on a Monday morning, register and pay your membership fee and grab some shopping.
Everyone is welcome, just bring your carrier bags 😊
Aldi Shop above, West End Centre Monday Market Shop below