At our community allotment we have been talking a lot about how nature benefits our mental health and physical wellbeing, our allotmenteers have said coming to the allotment has positive benefits such as helping them to become more active, more sociable, improves their mood and they feel less stressed and anxious, gives them a safe space to chat to others and make friends, improves their physical health which gives them more energy, don’t feel as lonely or isolated and they feel supported by others.
Anita – It’s a lovely, relaxed environment, I feel better when I’ve been here, it’s so nice to see others that are so relaxed here too.
Stephen – I look forward to coming here as I know I’ll be more active doing jobs around the allotment, it gives me more energy to go away and do things.
Diana – The allotment is a place to breath, with lots of smiles and laughter and everyone supporting each other.
We started our session this morning with 5 minutes of meditation, thank you Heather and thanks also to L who shared with us the breathing exercises she does when she is feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
Kevin worked hard planting out all the peas we had potted earlier in the season they are going well and looking forward to a good crop of peas. It looks like we are going to have plenty of pumpkins as well this year! Tomatoes have been potted and everything watered.
Our Allotment group runs on a Thursday 10am – 2pm, everyone is welcome, and you do not need any gardening experience and we will show you what do you. Want to know more call into the centre of give us a call on 07592003595.