This week is Self Care Week and at the West End Centre we are talking to everyone about looking after their selves, this can be eating better, getting more sleep, going out for some fresh air or taking a break to look after themselves for a change.
We have had 12 people this morning complete a Daily Promise To Myself form and next week we will see if they achieved their promises. We will continue to speak with people all week and have other activities throughout the week regarding wellbeing and self care.
In conjunction with Inn Churches Cooking and My Living Well we have some recipe packs which we have been giving out to people to take home and try out.
We have Fake Takeaways packs to give out, which include all you need apart from the protein. An easy to follow recipe is included and the choices are Fake-away Wraps or Curry. See the pics below!
#selfcareweek #lookingafteryourself #cookingathome #innchurches #Mylivingwell #NationalLottery The national lottery community fund
